
Backoff Strategy
An algorithm that determines how to delay between repeated attempts to perform an operation that has initially failed.
Exponential Backoff
A strategy whereby an operation is retried on failure given a randomized delay that raises 2 to the power of the number of attempts that have been made.
Fibonacci Backoff
A strategy whereby an operation is retried on failure after delays which grow as per the Fibonacci sequence.
Fixed Backoff
A strategy whereby an operation is retried on failure after an explicitly specified delay.
A random delay between 0 and 1 second in length that can optionally be added to the delay produced by a given backoff strategy.
Linear Backoff
A strategy whereby an operation is retried on failure with a monotonic (linearly-growing) delay.
Polynomial Backoff
A strategy where an operation is retried on failure with a delay that grows by a factor of the number of attempts that have been made.
Scale Factor
The delay determined by the backoff strategy is multipled by this value before the delay is applied. By default, this is set to 1.