Source code for backoff_utils._backoff

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Implements the ``backoff()`` function which executes a function/method call
and retries on failure based on arguments passed to the ``backoff()`` function.

import os
from datetime import datetime
import sys

from validator_collection import validators, checkers

import backoff_utils.strategies as strategies

_ver = sys.version_info

#: Python 2.x?
is_py2 = (_ver[0] == 2)


class BackoffTimeoutError(Exception):
    """Error that is raised if a backoff strategy timed out without raising
    a different exception."""

def _handle_failure(on_failure = None,
                    error = None):
    """Handle the failure of a function called by :ref:`backoff`.

    :param on_failure: The :class:`Exception <python:Exception>` or function to call
      when all retry attempts have failed. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will raise the last-caught
      :class:`Exception <python:Exception>`. If an :class:`Exception <python:Exception>`,
      will raise the exception with the same message as the last-caught exception.
      If a function, will call the function and pass the last-raised exception, its
      message, and stacktrace to the function. Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`.
    :type on_failure: :class:`Exception <python:Exception>` / function / :class:`None <python:None>`

    :param error: The :class:`Exception <python:Exception>` that was raised. Defaults
      to :class:`Exception <python:Exception>`.
    :type error: :class:`Exception <python:Exception>`
    if error is None:
        error = Exception

    is_on_failure_an_exception = False
    if is_py2:
        if isinstance(on_failure, Exception):
            is_on_failure_an_exception = True
        elif checkers.is_type(on_failure, 'type'):
            is_on_failure_an_exception = isinstance(on_failure(), Exception)
            is_on_failure_an_exception = False
        is_on_failure_an_exception = checkers.is_type(on_failure,
                                                      ('type', 'Exception')) and \
                                     hasattr(on_failure, '__cause__')

    if on_failure is None:
        raise error
    elif is_on_failure_an_exception:
        raise on_failure(error.args[0])
            on_failure(error, error.args[0], sys.exc_info()[2])
        except Exception as nested_error:
            raise nested_error

[docs]def backoff(to_execute, args = None, kwargs = None, strategy = None, retry_execute = None, retry_args = None, retry_kwargs = None, max_tries = None, max_delay = None, catch_exceptions = None, on_failure = None, on_success = None): """Retry a function call multiple times with a delay per the strategy given. :param to_execute: The function call that is to be attempted. :type to_execute: callable :param args: The positional arguments to pass to the function on the first attempt. If ``retry_args`` is :class:`None <python:None>`, will re-use these arguments on retry attempts as well. :type args: iterable / :class:`None <python:None>`. :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the function on the first attempt. If ``retry_kwargs`` is :class:`None <python:None>`, will re-use these keyword arguments on retry attempts as well. :type kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` / :class:`None <python:None>` :param strategy: The :class:`BackoffStrategy` to use when determining the delay between retry attempts. If :class:`None <python:None>`, defaults to :class:`Exponential`. :type strategy: :class:`BackoffStrategy` :param retry_execute: The function to call on retry attempts. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will retry ``to_execute``. Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`. :type retry_execute: callable / :class:`None <python:None>` :param retry_args: The positional arguments to pass to the function on retry attempts. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will re-use ``args``. Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`. :type retry_args: iterable / :class:`None <python:None>` :param retry_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the function on retry attempts. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will re-use ``kwargs``. Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`. :type subsequent_kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` / :class:`None <python:None>` :param max_tries: The maximum number of times to attempt the call. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will apply an environment variable ``BACKOFF_DEFAULT_TRIES``. If that environment variable is not set, will apply a default of ``3``. :type max_tries: int / :class:`None <python:None>` :param max_delay: The maximum number of seconds to wait befor giving up once and for all. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will apply an environment variable ``BACKOFF_DEFAULT_DELAY`` if that environment variable is set. If it is not set, will not apply a max delay at all. :type max_delay: :class:`None <python:None>` / int :param catch_exceptions: The ``type(exception)`` to catch and retry. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will catch all exceptions. Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`. .. caution:: The iterable must contain one or more types of exception *instances*, and not class objects. For example: .. code-block:: python # GOOD: catch_exceptions = (type(ValueError()), type(TypeError())) # BAD: catch_exceptions = (type(ValueError), type(ValueError)) # BAD: catch_exceptions = (ValueError, TypeError) # BAD: catch_exceptions = (ValueError(), TypeError()) :type catch_exceptions: iterable of form ``[type(exception()), ...]`` :param on_failure: The :class:`exception <python:Exception>` or function to call when all retry attempts have failed. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will raise the last-caught :class:`exception <python:Exception>`. If an :class:`exception <python:Exception>`, will raise the exception with the same message as the last-caught exception. If a function, will call the function and pass the last-raised exception, its message, and stacktrace to the function. Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`. :type on_failure: :class:`Exception <python:Exception>` / function / :class:`None <python:None>` :param on_success: The function to call when the operation was successful. The function receives the result of the ``to_execute`` or ``retry_execute`` function that was successful, and is called before that result is returned to whatever code called the backoff function. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will just return the result of ``to_execute`` or ``retry_execute`` without calling a handler. Defaults to :class:`None <python:None>`. :type on_success: callable / :class:`None <python:None>` :returns: The result of the attempted function. Example: .. code-block:: python from backoff_utils import backoff def some_function(arg1, arg2, kwarg1 = None): # Function does something pass result = backoff(some_function, args = ['value1', 'value2'], kwargs = { 'kwarg1': 'value3' }, max_tries = 3, max_delay = 30, strategy = strategies.Exponential) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements if to_execute is None: raise ValueError('to_execute cannot be None') elif not checkers.is_callable(to_execute): raise TypeError('to_execute must be callable') if strategy is None: strategy = strategies.Exponential if not hasattr(strategy, 'IS_INSTANTIATED'): raise TypeError('strategy must be a BackoffStrategy or descendent') if not strategy.IS_INSTANTIATED: test_strategy = strategy(attempt = 0) else: test_strategy = strategy if not checkers.is_type(test_strategy, 'BackoffStrategy'): raise TypeError('strategy must be a BackoffStrategy or descendent') if args: args = validators.iterable(args) if kwargs: kwargs = validators.dict(kwargs) if retry_execute is None: retry_execute = to_execute elif not checkers.is_callable(retry_execute): raise TypeError('retry_execute must be None or a callable') if not retry_args: retry_args = args else: retry_args = validators.iterable(retry_args) if not retry_kwargs: retry_kwargs = kwargs else: retry_kwargs = validators.dict(retry_kwargs) if max_tries is None: max_tries = DEFAULT_MAX_TRIES max_tries = validators.integer(max_tries) if max_delay is None: max_delay = DEFAULT_MAX_DELAY if catch_exceptions is None: catch_exceptions = [type(Exception())] else: if not checkers.is_iterable(catch_exceptions): catch_exceptions = [catch_exceptions] catch_exceptions = validators.iterable(catch_exceptions) if on_failure is not None and not checkers.is_callable(on_failure): raise TypeError('on_failure must be None or a callable') if on_success is not None and not checkers.is_callable(on_success): raise TypeError('on_success must be None or a callable') cached_error = None return_value = None returned = False failover_counter = 0 start_time = datetime.utcnow() while failover_counter <= (max_tries): elapsed_time = (datetime.utcnow() - start_time).total_seconds() if max_delay is not None and elapsed_time >= max_delay: if cached_error is None: raise BackoffTimeoutError('backoff timed out after:' ' {}s'.format(elapsed_time)) else: _handle_failure(on_failure, cached_error) if failover_counter == 0: try: if args is not None and kwargs is not None: return_value = to_execute(*args, **kwargs) elif args is not None: return_value = to_execute(*args) elif kwargs is not None: return_value = to_execute(**kwargs) else: return_value = to_execute() returned = True break except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except if type(error) in catch_exceptions: cached_error = error strategy.delay(failover_counter) failover_counter += 1 continue else: _handle_failure(on_failure = on_failure, error = error) return else: try: if retry_args is not None and retry_kwargs is not None: return_value = retry_execute(*retry_args, **retry_kwargs) elif retry_args is not None: return_value = retry_execute(*retry_args) elif retry_kwargs is not None: return_value = retry_execute(**retry_kwargs) else: return_value = retry_execute() returned = True break except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except if type(error) in catch_exceptions: strategy.delay(failover_counter) cached_error = error failover_counter += 1 continue else: _handle_failure(on_failure = on_failure, error = error) return if not returned: _handle_failure(on_failure = on_failure, error = cached_error) return elif returned and on_success is not None: on_success(return_value) return return_value