Source code for backoff_utils.strategies

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Defines the different backoff strategies that can be applied using the **Backoff-Utils**

import abc
import time
import random

import validator_collection as validators

def _add_metaclass(metaclass):
    """Class decorator for creating a class with a metaclass."""
    def wrapper(cls):
        orig_vars = cls.__dict__.copy()
        slots = orig_vars.get('__slots__')
        if slots is not None:
            if isinstance(slots, str):
                slots = [slots]
            for slots_var in slots:
        orig_vars.pop('__dict__', None)
        orig_vars.pop('__weakref__', None)

        return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, orig_vars)

    return wrapper

[docs]@_add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BackoffStrategy(object): """Abstract Base Class that defines the standard interface exposed by all backoff strategies supported by the library.""" IS_INSTANTIATED = False def __repr__(self): return '<{}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__) def __init__(self, attempt = None, minimum = 0.0, jitter = True, scale_factor = 1.0, **kwargs): """ :param attempt: The number of the attempt that was last-attempted. This value is used by the strategy to determine the amount of time to delay before continuing. :type attempt: :class:`int <python:int>` :param minimum: The minimum delay to apply. Defaults to ``0``. :type minimum: number :param jitter: If ``True``, will add a random float to the delay. Defaults to ``True``. :type jitter: :class:`bool <python: bool>` :param scale_factor: A factor by which the :func:`time_to_sleep <BackoffStrategy.time_to_sleep>` is multiplied to adjust its scale. Defaults to ``1.0``. :type scale_factor: :class:`float <python:float>` """ self.attempt = None if attempt is not None: self.attempt = validators.integer(attempt) self.minimum = minimum self.jitter = bool(jitter) self.scale_factor = validators.float(scale_factor) self.IS_INSTANTIATED = True for kwarg in kwargs: if hasattr(self, kwarg): try: setattr(self, kwarg, kwargs[kwarg]) except AttributeError: pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def time_to_sleep(self): """The base number of seconds to delay before allowing a retry. :rtype: :class:`float <python:float>` """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def delay(cls, attempt, minimum = None, jitter = None, scale_factor = 1.0): """Delay for a set period of time based on the ``attempt``. :param attempt: The number of the attempt that was last-attempted. This value is used by the strategy to determine the amount of time to delay before continuing. :type attempt: :class:`int <python:int>` :param minimum: The minimum number of seconds to delay. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will apply either the strategy's default or the instance's configured property. :type minimum: number :param jitter: If ``True``, will add a random float to the delay. If ``False``, will not. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will apply either the strategy's default or the instance's configured property. :type jitter: :class:`bool <python: bool>` :param scale_factor: A factor by which the :func:`time_to_sleep <BackoffStrategy.time_to_sleep>` is multiplied to adjust its scale. If :class:`None <python:None>`, will apply either the strategy's default or the instance's configured property. :type scale_factor: :class:`float <python:float>` """ attempt = validators.integer(attempt) scale_factor = validators.float(scale_factor) if cls.IS_INSTANTIATED: cls.attempt = attempt if jitter is not None: cls.jitter = bool(jitter) if scale_factor is not None: cls.scale_factor = scale_factor if minimum is not None: cls.minimum = minimum elif minimum is not None: cls = cls(attempt, minimum = minimum, jitter = jitter, scale_factor = scale_factor) else: cls = cls(attempt, jitter = jitter, scale_factor = scale_factor) if cls.jitter: time_to_sleep = cls.time_to_sleep + random.random() else: time_to_sleep = cls.time_to_sleep time_to_sleep = time_to_sleep * cls.scale_factor time.sleep(time_to_sleep)
[docs]class Exponential(BackoffStrategy): """Implements the :term:`exponential backoff` strategy. The base delay time is calculated as: .. math:: 2^a where :math:`a` is the number of the current attempt being made. """ @property def time_to_sleep(self): return float(2**self.attempt)
[docs]class Fibonacci(BackoffStrategy): """Implements the :term:`fibonacci backoff` strategy. The base delay time is returned as the Fibonacci number corresponding to the current attempt. """ @classmethod def _get_sub_value(cls, input): """Return the Fibonacci number given the ``input``. :param input: The input whose Fibonacci number should be returned. :type input: :class:`int <python:int>` """ input = validators.integer(input) if input < 1: return 1 return cls._get_sub_value(input - 1) + cls._get_sub_value(input - 2) @property def time_to_sleep(self): return self._get_sub_value(self.attempt)
[docs]class Fixed(BackoffStrategy): """Implements the :term:`fixed backoff` strategy. The base delay time is calculated as a fixed value determined by the attempt number. """ def __init__(self, attempt = None, sequence = None, minimum = 0, jitter = True, scale_factor = 1.0, **kwargs): """ :param attempt: The number of the attempt that was last-attempted. This value is used by the strategy to determine the amount of time to delay before continuing. :type attempt: :class:`int <python:int>` :param sequence: The sequence of base delay times to return based on the attempt number. :type sequence: iterable of numbers :param minimum: The minimum delay to apply. Defaults to ``0``. :type minimum: number :param jitter: If ``True``, will add a random float to the delay. Defaults to ``True``. :type jitter: :class:`bool <python: bool>` :param scale_factor: A factor by which the :class:`time_to_sleep <BackoffStrategy.time_to_sleep>` is multiplied to adjust its scale. Defaults to ``1.0``. :type scale_factor: :class:`float <python:float>` """ if sequence is None: self.sequence = None else: sequence = validators.iterable(sequence) self.sequence = [validators.integer(x) for x in sequence] super(Fixed, self).__init__(attempt = attempt, minimum = minimum, jitter = jitter, scale_factor = scale_factor, **kwargs) @property def time_to_sleep(self): if not self.sequence: return 1 if len(self.sequence) <= self.attempt: needs = self.attempt - len(self.sequence) sequence = [x for x in self.sequence] last_value = sequence[:-1] sequence.extend(last_value for x in range(0, needs)) else: sequence = self.sequence return sequence[self.attempt]
[docs]class Linear(BackoffStrategy): """Implements the :term:`fixed backoff` strategy. The base delay time is equal to the attempt count. """ @property def time_to_sleep(self): return self.attempt
[docs]class Polynomial(BackoffStrategy): """Implements the :term:`polynomial backoff` strategy. The base delay time is calculated as: .. math:: a^e where: * :math:`a` is the number of attempts made * :math:`e` is the :func:`exponent <exponent>` property """ def __init__(self, attempt = None, exponent = 1, minimum = 0, jitter = True, scale_factor = 1.0, **kwargs): """ :param attempt: The number of the attempt that was last-attempted. This value is used by the strategy to determine the amount of time to delay before continuing. :type attempt: :class:`float <python:float>` :param exponent: The exponent to apply when calculating the base delay. Defaults to 1. :type exponent: :class:`int <python:int>` :param minimum: The minimum delay to apply. Defaults to ``0``. :type minimum: number :param jitter: If ``True``, will add a random float to the delay. Defaults to ``True``. :type jitter: :class:`bool <python: bool>` :param scale_factor: A factor by which the :class:`time_to_sleep <BackoffStrategy.time_to_sleep>` is multiplied to adjust its scale. Defaults to ``1.0``. :type scale_factor: :class:`float <python:float>` """ self.exponent = validators.float(exponent) super(Polynomial, self).__init__(attempt = attempt, minimum = minimum, jitter = jitter, scale_factor = scale_factor, **kwargs) @property def time_to_sleep(self): return float(self.attempt**self.exponent)